Tag: earth

The 25-year environment plan score card

Text by Paul de Zylva, Friends of the Earth. Reprinted with permission from FOE, www.friendsoftheearth.uk Theresa May’s original speech can be found on the gov.uk website under Prime Minister’s Speech on the Environment 11 January 2018. (www.gov.uk/government/speeches/) Here’s what we don’t like No legal underpinning: The government’s word is no guarantee. The plan must have legal…

Synchrony of Organic Interdependent Livity: S.O.I.L.

by Mama D, Community Centred Knowledge @IndigenousKnow

I am a mother and, in relative terms, recently sourced from the African continent. As a woman, and an African, I am present, but without voice. Most of the time, unseen and unheard. Yet, my essential being represents that which gives, over eternities, but remains unacknowledged. It is also that for which there is no gratitude shown. Just like the soil we walk upon. Such things have consequences.